A True Friend

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

The world is full of twist and turns which are often facilitated by the behavior of others. This is why God instructs us in His Word not to trust in man, but to lean and depend on Him. If we render control of our emotions to others we are at their mercy. We allow their behavior and attitude to predict our moods, thus making us subject to the ebbs and flows of their lives and not our own. God is our source and creator. He desires to be in intimate relationship with us. He wants us to turn to Him for guidance, sustainment and most of all, fulfillment. Yet, we tirelessly attempted to fill the God-shaped void in our lives with everything but Him. People, careers, cars, clothes, etc., you name it. Only to find out in the end that a relationship with Him is the one true and consistent thing we can depend on. His Word says that He is the Lord and He changes not. He promises never to leave or forsake us. He loves and cares for us even when we don’t deserve it. In a fair weathered world where things and people are constantly changing He remains the same. When life’s circumstances disappoint and friends betray you turn to the ROCK (Jesus) who is steadfast and unmovable. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

“The crisis can end when Christ begins in your life.”
-26 Beautiful One Liners-