What makes you a man is being there for your children and grandchildren, not just on birthdays but every day possible. You must be unselfish and willing to invest your time not just your money to enrich their lives. Above all else, being a true model of the Father’s love in the home by sacrificing yourself daily for the well- being of those you love.
I’ve spent countless days fighting against the ghost of an absent father, thinking that I could perform my way out of hurt and pain. But now I realize that by God’s grace I don’t have to go through the pain to truly be healed. I just have to be willing to release what I truly feel inside over to Him and rest in His love.
I love my biological father and I commend him for doing the best that he could do with the knowledge he was given on fatherhood. Although I didn’t have a true example of what a real father should do or be, I know realize that my Heavenly Father has given me a blueprint in His Word. Because of His love for me I don’t have to fumble around in the dark trying to figure out what I should do to gain the love and respect of my family.
I’m not perfect by any means. I‘ve made several mistakes in my past and I’m sure I’ll make more. However, I won’t let that stop me from pressing to leave a legacy of love and accountability for future generations of the Hamilton family.
The Generational curse that has run through my family stops with me. When it’s all said and done my children aren’t going to remember the material things and fun times that will eventually fade away.
What they will remember is the time I invested in their lives and the life of faith that I walked out on a daily basis right before their eyes. Time for sowing seeds of death and destruction is over; the time for love, peace and togetherness is at hand. It’s time to leave a Legacy of Faith that will long out live me.